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How to register your child(student) in schools in Korea

To register your child in a Korean school, follow these steps:

  1. Determine your child's eligibility: Check the age requirements and visa status for foreign students to attend Korean schools.

  2. Choose a school: Research and select a school that meets your child's educational needs and preferences. You can visit the school's website or contact the local education office for a list of available schools in your area.

  3. Gather necessary documents: You will need to provide your child's birth certificate, passport, visa or alien registration card, and academic records from their previous school.

  4. Apply to the school: Contact the school directly to obtain the application forms and instructions. You may be asked to complete the application online or in person.

  5. Attend an interview: After submitting the application, you may be invited to attend an interview with the school's principal or teacher to discuss your child's academic background and goals.

  6. Wait for the acceptance: Once the interview process is complete, the school will inform you if your child has been accepted.

  7. Register your child: If your child is accepted, you will need to complete the registration process, which may involve paying tuition fees and providing additional documents.

Note that the registration process may vary depending on the school and location. It is recommended to contact the school or local education office for specific information and guidance. For further information on how to register your child to Korean schools in Korea, please contact


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