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How to report work harassment, unpaid salary and other issues in Korea

If you are experiencing unpaid salary, work harassment other issues in Korea, you can report the issue to the Ministry of Employment and Labor (MOEL) using the following steps:

  1. Gather evidence: Collect any evidence related to the unpaid salary and work harassment. This may include pay stubs, emails, text messages, witness statements, or any other documentation that supports your claim.

  2. Contact the MOEL:

  3. File a complaint: Fill out the info and submit a complaint to the MOEL that includes details of the unpaid salary and work harassment, as well as any evidence you have gathered. You may be asked to provide additional information or documentation to support your claim.

  4. Follow up: Once you have submitted your complaint, follow up with the MOEL regularly to check on the status of your case. The MOEL will call or text you providing the time, date and location for a in-person visit.

  5. Contact and hire an interpreter as MOEL will require you to bring an interpreter who can guide and assist you. Once you are scheduled to summon, you can send an email to and notify the time, date, location and the issue to reserve your timeslot.

Reporting unpaid salary and work harassment can be a complex process, but it is important to speak up and seek support to protect your rights in the workplace. The MOEL and Kocomfort is there to help you if you are mistreated at your workplace.

If you want to disregard all the process, KoComfort can fill out the info for you and take care of all your needs. Contact us for more details.


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